Advanced Blemish Removal
Advanced Cosmetic Procedures (ACP) using electrolysis is becoming increasingly popular as knowledge about these fantastic treatments increases. At Drop Dead Gorgeous a wide variety of skin blemishes can quickly and easily be treated with immediate and effective results. For any advice, pop into the beauty salon for a consultation.
Mole Reduction - Before, immediately after and healed.
This was from one 15 minute appointment.
Skin Tag Removal
This was one 15 minute appointment, we removed approximately 25 skin tags.
A consultation required for all blemishes, but can be combined (for free) with first treatment for all blemishes other than those needing a test patch.
Consultation and test patch | £20 |
15 minutes | £75 |
30 minutes | £150 |
Blemishes that require test patch - thread veins, dermatosis papulosa nigra, sebaceous hyperplasia and mole reduction.
How does advanced electrolysis work?
That all depends on which of the above blemish you are treating, for Telangiectasia / Thread Veins; the tip of the finest probe (about the size of an eyelash) is tapped along the line of the capillary and a tiny energy current is discharged. This ‘dries up’ and destroys the vessel which often disappears as it is being treated. Further treatments may be necessary depending on the severity of the problem.
The treatment of Spider Naevus and Campbell De Morgans is similar to treating Telangiectasia.
In regards to treating skin tags the current is applied at the base or 'Stalk' of the tag destroying the vessels that ‘feed' the blemish ‘starving’ it of nourishment resulting in its eventual demise.
Millia treatment is very simple compared to other blemishes, diathermy is used which gently dries them up so that the hard keratinised centre is broken down and this will then be absorbed by the skin following treatment. This is a much gentler way to treat them, as opposed to removing them with a microlance, which can damage the skin.
Treatable Blemishes
Thread Veins

Broken or dilated blood capillaries generally found on the face and nose. Appear as little blood lines which become larger and darker over time. This condition can occur at any time of life, due to either exposure to heat, sunlight, hormonal changes, physical trauma and medication or may be related to life-style. This treatment uses diathermy to produce thermo-coagulation which successfully reduces the appearance of telangiectasia; otherwise called broken capillaries, red thread veins
Spider Naevus/ Telangiectasia Angioma
A collection of blood vessels with a centrally dilated vessel.

A spider nevus is a collection of blood vessels with a centrally dilated vessel with smaller blood vessels radiating out from it. Located on the face usually but may be found on the body. Normally caused by injury, extremes of temperature, pressure and pregnancy. Follow up treatments are normally required.
Skin Tags
A common fibrous skin condition is an overgrowth of epidermal cells.

A common fibrous skin condition is an overgrowth of epidermal cells. Skin tags are soft and can be wriggled around, they vary in size, shape and colour often darkly pigmented; can be tiny specks, the size of a pea or even larger, can be singular or multiple, may occur during pregnancy. Normally found in areas of friction, around the neck line, under the arm or bra line, and can be easily treated with diathermy to give instant results by applying heat energy to the stalk of tag. They usually come off during treatment and generally do not require further treatment. Skin tags are viral in nature but not contagious to others.
Campbell De Morgan/Blood Spots


Common Wart/Verruca

Common warts are the same as the warts on the sole of the foot called Verrucas or Plantar Warts and electrolysis has a great deal of success treating both. Electrolysis is definitely successful even on the most stubborn warts.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
A small to medium, raised benign skin lesion.

A small to medium, raised benign skin lesion which varies in colour from brown to black. They are usually found on the face, in particular around the eye area, and tend to be more common on dark-skinned individuals. The cause is unknown, but DPN generally appear after puberty, and grow in size and number with age. They can be hereditary.
Mole Reduction
Pigmented lump on skin. Sometimes moles can have little to no pigment.

Moles are simply pigmented growths that usually appear slightly velvety, but, unlike freckles they have a difference in appearance and texture to the surrounding skin. Moles are the typical growth that can be cosmetically disfiguring and can seriously damage an individual’s self esteem and confidence. Using electrolysis and expert knowledge, the mole can be easily treated and reduced.
Sebaceous Cyst
Small smooth bump under skin.

Sebaceous Cysts look like small smooth lumps under the skin surface. They are benign (non-cancerous) and usually cause no harm or problems although they can look unslightly. A cyst is a sac that is filled with a fluid or semi-fluid material. Cysts develop in various places on the body and two of the most common types of cyst that occur under the skin surface are epidermoid and pilar cysts, which are more known as sebaceous cysts.
Seborrhoeic Keratosis
Dry, raised lump on the skin.

Seborrhoeic Keratosis are another from of wart. These brown marks are caused by natural aging, sun damage and have a genetic link. They are classified within the wart family but differ in the fact they’re not contagious. They can start life as just a tiny dry piece of skin on the surface of the skin which grows larger and crustier growing as big as up to two inches across. They become raised, and often, if you find one you are likely to get more. Sometimes they can almost cover the whole trunk of the body. They can also be quite common on the face. They are usually brown because of melanin and so can be mistaken for moles to the untrained eye.
Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Age Spots
Small fairly flat darkened spots. Common on hands and face.
Brown spots, also known as age spots or liver spots, give the skin a dull and aged appearance. Brown spots and pigmentation are brought about by earlier sun damage and can be also be caused by internal hormonal irregularities.
Benign flesh coloured raised areas.
Syringoma are benign non contagious flesh coloured raised areas of the skin. They are most commonly found on the lower eyelids and upper cheeks. They appear as small (1-3mm) flesh to yellowish coloured protrusions. They are easily treatable using Advanced Electrolysis techniques. As the blemishes heal following treatment they visibly reduce in size.

Will my blemishes return?
The treated blemish will not return, but others may occur depending on the root cause.
How long does it take and how many treatments will I require?
Most ACP treatments offer instantaneous results. The length of treatment depends on the blemish, your skin specialist will advise you of this during your initial consultation, although, it's difficult to state a definitive time. The area worked on must not be over-treated and your skin reactivity and healing rate has to be taken into account.
Is the treatment painful?
Pain thresholds vary from person to person and area to area, but yes, there is some discomfort.
How will the skin look after thread vein treatment?
There will be some redness, swelling, itchy feeling and pin-dot crusts may appear lasting from 2 days to 2 weeks approximately depending on your skins healing rate.
What is the risk of scarring?
When the treatments are performed correctly there is little or no chance of permanently marking the skin. We always recommend, when appropriate to try a ‘test patch’ in an area which is not too noticeable in case of adverse reaction.
This allows you to ‘experience’ the feel of the treatment, to see the benefits and for your therapist to access the healing rate of your skin.
With many of the procedures the appearance may look worse before it looks better and we advise our clients that careful ‘timing’ of the treatment should be considered.
Why is it necessary to come back for a follow up consultation?
We recommend that a month after treatment, a follow up consultation is arranged to assess the skin, ensure you are completely happy and take an after photograph if appropriate to compare.